Tuesday, October 11, 2016

La rentrée des classes

I remember when we all went to school and I absolutely had to have this Eastpack Backpack otherwise I was such a looser. Or even those TN sneakers which costed a fortune ! Hahaha.
Anyway I was following the movement back then !
Who said I'm not now ? This look made me smile because when I saw everyone wearing some Thrasher tee-shirt I was like "Oh maybe I'm gonna want one some day" and when I dressed up like I'm skateboarding (of course I suck at it) or even listening to the Blink-182 (I sure am!); I thought : Oh well today all I miss is wearing this new hipster tee-shirt!

So; actually for those who saw the Fjallraven backpack all summer and who are poor like me: this is a good alternative !
Haha not as chic, but very handy for only 14€: THANKS H&M.


Denim jacket Obey
Mad Vintage Thrift Yellow shirt
Skinny jeans from COS (old)
All black Vans

Beanie from Monki
Backpack from H&M (Divided)

Many thanks for the pictures Gabrielle! <3



Tuesday, October 04, 2016

One vamp two creeps

Hi folks!
I am back here with a perfect combination of what I use to wear and what I wear now. Something basically dark, edgy in a retro way but still not too vintage. 
Not that I deny vintage!
But I gain some weight so I thought uh why not trying those stuff I'd love to wear before: like you know mid skirt, pleated or high waisted etc. I am not a fan of my new silhouette I am obsessed with my cheeks which are always the first back on tracks but I will try not to be too hard on myself, as I know that people didn't really liked the time when I lost weight: let's be happy to gain some!

Okay it's too obvious I don't share the idea. God I never know what I want!

Anyway, I'm pretty fine those days: I started a new therapy and I was a bit scared of this one because I knew it was a group session. Buh! it's not that I don't like talking publicly but I don't really like to open myself and tell my story even to therapists so to people I don't know about: what a thing!
And, actually this was my first day and it went rather well. Okay I admit I didn't talked much. But I did listened ! And it's cool knowing that people that you don't know sometimes goes through same things as you are. 
Connecting people, sort of.


Perfecto jacket (vegan) from Subdued
Body from Zara
Retro skirt and belt included thrifted at MAD VINTAGE
1461 Bex shoes from Dr Martens

 Special thanks to my photographer Alfa Romes aka Nezi

 Speak soon
