Hello Dears,
( Yes "wit and wisdom" as in Ravenclaw )
I hope you are well. I was feeling so tired these days. It might have something to do with the Moon..
if you folks believe in it 🌛
oh and I am finally empowering a bit now; it has been a very long stay in depression! And I think I have handled it pretty good this time, assuming I don't have any medicines anymore. But the complex about my body has begun to be harder and harder. I thought I'd lost weight after stopping the mental drugs but nooope: in fact when some of it turned my anorexia into bulimia and then in simple craving but very frequent ; drugs or no you still feel "hungry".
Anyhow; I believe you can shut it down when you empower yourself because acceptance is the key.
but boy how complicated this is to find !
Kimono dress by COS
Stradivarius bag
Shoes thrift
Glasses thrift
Thanks to
Virginie Zilbermann for the pictures once again