Friday, December 28, 2018

Red Velvet

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all fine in this time of the Year. And that you enjoy calm and serenity. With your loved ones or even by yourself!
I'm feeling disgusted at work when I see people going crazy because it's Christmas or boxing day. Why are they so blinded by capitalism ? Why don't they go in nature or stay at home reading a book, I mean even staying in and watching Netflix is less into this world of consommation that I see everyday while working in a shop...
I know it's completely contradictory because ... I work here... But God knows I can't stand it, it's more and more becoming difficult to me.
So I'm now facing a burn out period (to be very brief about it...) and my doctor kept me from work. It's all for good I know but can't keep wondering and feeling guilty.
I completely lost my mind in it!
So I guess that was the time to ... Break free.

Hope ya'll love these series by my friend and photographer and make up artist Ewa Cieszkowska she is so talented, isn't she ?? 💋


Monday, December 10, 2018

The lightning strike

Hello Dears,

After a Halloween post I hope this December article finds you well !
I believe the lightning reminded a bit of the Christmas mood (although i know it wasn't its first purpose lol) and with a dark touch why not a Krampus theme 😈

(Electric Wizard merch tee shirt
Trousers from Zaful
Dr Martens Jagger platform shoes)

I am now settled in a new town, and this is very good news for me as Paris was beginning to drag me really down.
But, I should add that it's very hard to move to another county more than changing from town to town only. It's the first time for me, and I'm not sure I would do it again !
It was so exhausting...
I'm still dealing with a lot of administration and stuff like that. You know these kind of problems that you can't avoid haha


Meanwhile in Paris, the protests strikes again.

Photo by Mcbphotographie

Love ,