I wrote a lot about my trip to Barcelona, on the social networks (personal Facebook, Facebook page, and of course Insta (@lornasharpofficial ) ) but I have forgotten to do this story telling here. So never too late!
went well on my arrival at the Barcelona Airport, got a taxi to go straight at my hotel where I was supposed to do this check-in very quick as on my other Tattoo Convention trips, I have to set up my booth and get my "avoiding queue" pass so that on Friday everything
goes well.
I first have to say that I was again so surprised that the taxi there are so cheap (no one tells them please haha) whilst I was thinking again of that taxi I could have "ordered" to lead me to Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and which would have been like more than 150 €...
Then when I saw my hotel; I was so telling myself "Oh Lorna, sometimes you rule." Hahaha.
No seriously , when you entered the doorway it's literally magical because of that "Harry Potter" look of the hotel hall. Well, not as much as one of my fave hotel in Copenhagen but the
SB Plaza in Barcelona, was sparkling in my eyes, because of the little tree tronc sort of wood table and comfy velvet couch, plus the massive huge library surrounding the walls.
So, these photos has nothing to do with Barcelona obviously cause taken in France - but it has this little light that I haven't loose during my whole stay here.
I saw a new area from this town (to be honest it was my 3rd trip to Barcelona, and it's curious how it was so different from the others). Not because I was alone this time, but because I was ready to see something new.
I had a very nice
Convention, met some a nice team of barbers and even though it was difficult for me to be understood I am so proud of myself that I have done it.
One of the barber team (actually not a barber at all, he was) , made me think twice about what I do and who I am. Because I so often forget that travelling reveals a new "us", and it's true that facing it alone is some kind of proof that I held a lot of strength. I use to think it's normal but most of people don't travel if they're alone. They don't face people who doesn't know a single word of what you're saying. They haven't got this power to assume who they are and to show it to a bunch of crowd totally unknown.
I so often forget that. And I realized I have to be more grateful and proud of who I am , this can only make me (feel) better.
So, if you too feel a bit down and happen to face some hard stuff then just think twice... You're still here right ? I'm pretty sure you do some great stuff which you can be proud of. You just don't notice them yet. But when you'll do then life is gonna be way... simpler.
That's Positive Minded Attitude.
That's my motto.
For this photoshoot with
This Little Sweet Hush ;
I wear:
- an oversized shirt and Mom Jeans from H&M
- Birkenstock
That's all for now folks!