Anyhow, everything comes with a start. And I'll try to pitch myself in a few lines.
Briefly, I'm this kind of girl, that always wanted to work in the arts, but -poor me- never knew to do a thing.
Playing some instrument, gifted drawing, dancing... no that wasn't me.
But at least I tried ! At the age of fourteen when they scared my ass off cause they made me choose for what I wanted to do for a living in my future, I chose to work in a Beautysalon and with consideration in the Hairdressing. But crap, you're so young to choose it, even if I always was a stubborn personn in the choices I made for myself, it was clearly too young.
Too young to stop growing your ideas with things you can learn in school (yes it's possible I do think it is),and too young to work as an adult and sometimes even harder cause you're doing all the hard work, who anybody wants to do.
I left my pride apart and stopped this studies to come back in a course where I finally passed my A level in Litterature and continue on a year in the Uni.
I , then , realize it was time for me. Time to work, and I started once more hairdressing studies.
Not in the same way of thinking, not with the same people.
I was grown up.
Wow, I love your header! So eye catching and beautiful. Rosemary x